Sunday, December 4, 2016

Hand Painted Low Poly Weapons

Hello! It's been a while since my last update!

Here's what I've worked on for venture track! These are two low poly weapons I wanted to try to hand paint. I used Mudbox and Photoshop only to paint, and used Marmoset 3 to render them!

I got the concepts from here:

And here are the render shots and diffuse textures:

Monday, September 12, 2016

Final Semester Project 1 Progress

Did retopology and UVs, now time to make the hair planes and populate the base hair mesh!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Final Semester Projects

1. Mervin Kaunda's Capt. Nina
2. (Subject to change) Sora KH3 (my final idea for P2 is not complete yet)

3. Realistic looking Commander Shepard

Monday, August 1, 2016

2D/3D Portfolio Piece 2: Blade and Soul Mushin Arts Training Uniform Update 3

Hello all! I finally finished the texturing for my Blade and Soul Mushin Arts guy!
I realized that this guy's clothes aren't in the American server of BNS yet, but i found their clothes in a high level town. The clothes are officially called "Ebondrake" and it is hard to find pictures of the clothes through Google search. I found it using the Korean name though, so it is fine!

Halfway through texturing, I forgot about the actual body I was sculpting, so I decided to drop it; it would've been a lot for this project, I think. With the clothes alone, he is 19,590 triangles.

I learned a lot through the texturing process! I was taught how to use the color ID map properly and it made texturing in Substance Painter a thousand times easier than before! I wanted to focus on getting the texture to look more realistic this time, and I think I accomplished that to some degree. I may want to go back to the gold parts and fix them up a little more, but I am happy with how the leather turned out.
I think my lighting scenarios are getting better as well! I am actually happy with the way it turned out in Maya and in the engine!

 Maya Shots:

UE4 Shots:

For next week, I have to bring it to life, and I have no clue how im gonna do that....

Monday, July 18, 2016

2D/3D Portfolio Piece 2: Blade and Soul Mushin Arts Training Uniform Update 2

Finished the sculpt!

Here are the references I got from the game and screenshots I found online:

And here are the pictures of the sculpt!

I made a couple of alphas that really helped me during the process: